SQL For Beginner

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Introduction to HTML

HELLO FRIENDS !!! welcome to your very first tutorial on beginning of HTML.

HTML is the base of World Wide Web & if you are going to do anything even in other languages involving the web it is highly important you know HTML, so lets take a look at some of points mentioned in below image & again this is an introductory blog, in the next blog we actually start doing code .

HTML stands for hypertext markup language and you might say wow what is that but it's actually very easy to use HTML.

HTML is a document that contains text, that's it. It is very easy to read, so its not like java which kind of reads like hieroglyphics.

So it is similar to like Microsoft Word or even notepad or Word-pad. Now once you have created your HTML document, web browsers can read and display documents that contain HTML so Firefox, Google, Internet Explorer they all do the same thing. They are going to take that document and display to the user.

OK ! so lets move to the next step. It's all about tags in HTML.

As you can see some examples in above image, every tag has a closing tag & then we can put something inside those tags.  If you have an opening tag you got to have a closing tag and
the closing tag is identified by the slash ( / ).

Following are those two types of elements that we are going to be dealing with,

1) Markup element :- It is a set of tags has something that goes inside of it.

Ex.:-    <body>          </body>

2) Empty Elements  :- There are few tags in HTML where you don't need to have an closing tag & those are called empty elements.

  < br > :- BR stands for line break so that means you're basically putting spaces
between your lines.We don't need to put inside that, its just creating a  line break, so it not requires an end tag.

In next tutorial ,we will do our first web page. see you soon.

Note:-  Remember an HTML document is simply a text file. For  this, all you have to use is NOTEPAD.

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