SQL For Beginner

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Adding Link to your web page

In this post, we are going to see how to add links in your web page.

Now, why to add links? the ans is what would your web page without links, well it wouldn't be much. Navigation is a key consideration in to design your website.

so we will begin with adding links to your webpage.

There are two ways to adding links,

  • Link to a section within your web page
  • Link to an outside web page

Now, first of all we will see second way, how to link to an outside URL.

Links are added with a anchor element ( <a ) and withing this element we use attribute called ( href ).
href attribute tells the anchor element where the destination is for the link and the destination can be like on the same web page  or it can be link to an outside website.

And as we know everything comes under the  <body>  tag. Under this we have to create  <p> paragraph tag, because we need to add some text and sentences inside and around your link.
This text is what you actually displayed to the user.
After this add anchor tag (  <a ), where we actually inserting outside URL path.
After putting   href   attribute, we are going to put in our outside URL that we want to link to in our web page.

After adding the link before closing the tag you have to put some text and that text becomes the link. So the link which we added does not actually get displayed, what will be displayed as a link is the text that we put after the link.

Let's close both the </a> and </p> tag, save this in HTML format.

Click on the link and you will see we have got our link,

& if i click on that link it should go to my blogger address.

Note:- We need to keep this  tag ( <a ) open,  we do not use angle bracket here because this is all part of link. Put angle bracket after the link and then close the tag.

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